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Although it would clearly make sense to riff on the famous quote we all know and love by saying, “The first rule of Flight Club is you do not talk about Flight Club”, the fact is we WANT you to talk about it. We want you to SHOUT OUT LOUD about it and tell everyone! And then, we want you to sign up! (Currently limited to 50 club members only.)

Ladies and gentlemen of the Adelaide disc golf scene, we are pleased to introduce to you a new game that breaks all expectations and previous assertions about bag tags and social comp challenges in general. We’ve stripped away so much of the old game that this new game is something ENTIRELY different.

We call it…FLIGHT CLUB!

Because, as Tyler Durden says, “It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."

Download the pdf for all the rules on how this game works and how to take part. Then, if you like what you see, click the link below to buy in for this epic season-long battle!

Flight Club Manifesto.

Flight Club membership is only $10 for 8 months of play! The season will start in just a few short weeks. So, buy in today!

"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.” But joining Flight Club will make you soar!

Flight Club (SADG Members Only)

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